I had a great time at Animazement this past weekend, but the real adventures were on the trips there and back!
I went to the airport by my house at 6:15. My flight was at 7:20. Or at least, it was supposed to be. Thanks to some maintenance problem, it was an hour and a half late getting off the ground. Personally, I don't mind waiting for things. It gave me time to dick around on the Internet.
It was about halfway to my connection in Cincinatti that I realized that I would miss the connecting flight to Raleigh. So anyway, I get to Cincinatti and confirm that my flight to Raleigh took off before I got there. Ah, well.
Went to baggage claim to get my shit, and waited for like a half hour but no sign of it. Went to the baggage desk and they said until I got to Raleigh, they couldn't give me my bags. The nice ladies there did dig me a phone charger out of lost and found, and I headed upstairs to get a new flight. They spotted me a room at a holiday inn and a meagre box dinner, and hooked me up with a flight the next morning at 7:30am.
Get up at 5:15, out the door at 6 and get on the plane. Get into Raleigh at 8:45 and wait for my bags. Yeah, they weren't there. So I got a shuttle to the hotel, saw all my peeps and finally Delta got my bags to me around 1:00.
And so the convention itself was a great time. I blew too much money on Tenjou Tenge figures.
Then the flight home on Sunday night was garbage, also. I got back to Cincinatti again, but the flight to Baltimore was first delayed, then cancelled. I had to change planes, change terminals, and then realized my laptop power adapter went up… so I had to get a new one of those. That was crap.
Next time, I'm just driving to Raleigh.